Search results for: "archives"


A documentalist, a branch of the librarian profession, works for both private and public companies, organizing files and records and using precise measures to sort various forms of information. Also referred to as an archivist, documentalists also work for government associations, collecting and organizing data into archives. They are trained to do specific documentation and […]

History of E-Commerce

History of E-Commerce 1960s-1970s: E-commerce got its start in the 1960s with the creation of a computerized check processing system called Electronic Recording Machine-Accounting (ERMA) was introduced.  ERMA processed millions of checks every year. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) was developed in the 1960s and saw use in the 1970s.  EDI allowed for the processing of […]


Facebook is a popular social networking Web site that allows users to keep in touch with their friends, family, acquaintances, and colleagues. Features To access Facebook, users need to register for a free account. Facebook allows users to join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People […]

Internet Forums

Internet forums, also called message boards, discussion groups, bulletin boards, and Web forums, are discussion areas on a Web site.  An Internet forum can be thought of as an electronic version of the bulletin board common in most classroom. Topics are posted for everyone to see and responses can also be posted by those reading the posts. Typically people must sign […]